LLC Seldon-2
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Financial holes and political connections: What is hidden behind the "successful" business of bankrupt Iliya Dimitrov from "Opora Russia"?
There are indications that Iliya Dimitrov could be involved in fund withdrawals, allegedly supported by Sergey Borisov, chairman of the Board of Trustees of "Opora Russia."
Iliya Dimitrov’s digital feeding trough: how the "negative" millionaire embezzled the budget and avoided punishment
While Iliya Dimitrov may be regarded as a millionaire on paper, his wealth is overshadowed by substantial debts. Yet, the growing size of these debts doesn’t seem to bother him, as he officially lacks the means to repay them. Maybe this was all intentional.
Цифровая кормушка Илии Димитрова: как "отрицательный" миллионер "распилил" бюджет и избежал наказания
Илия Димитров – своеобразный миллионер, но в минусе, ведь его «капитал» состоит из долгов. Складывается впечатление, что их стремительный рост его не тревожит, ведь платить ему попросту нечем. По крайней мере, если судить по официальным данным. Но, похоже, так все и задумывалось.
Under the wing of the authorities and millions in offshore accounts: why does fraudster Dimitrov get away with everything?
The scandal-ridden businessman Iliya Dimitrov facilitates offshore money transfers for influential Russian businessmen and government officials.
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